Sunday, October 5, 2008

Like the cat and the fake bird

In Almaz bar in gazi
Athens October 2008


Hfaistiwnas said...

Ωραίο γατάκι, αν και δεν φαίνεται η μούρη του, φαίνεται το ωραίο τρίχωμά του..

brainwaves said...

Cat: yummy!!
Fake bird: i thought i thaw a puthy cath...
Cat: slurp!!
Fake bird: i thought i thaw a puthy cath...
Cat: what the fuck?
Fake bird: i thought i tha!@#$%^&*
Cat: bliah!!
Fake bird (voice coming from cat's stomach): i thought glp glp i thaw glp glp a puthy glp glp cath glp (φυσσαλίδες μιλάνε...)

Spacie said...


he is quite the story teller, ain't he?

Fotis_P. said...

όπως κι ο άνθρωπος στην αναζήτηση της ευτυχίας...
fake men.
fake happiness.

keep photoΖειν!